
Desalination of mine water during the closure of the mine named after M.I. Stashkova of PJSC “DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia”

І. Salieiev1

1LLC“DTEKEnergy”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:81-93


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Purpose. Substantiating the expediency of mine water desalination for use as drinking water by the population after the coal mine closure in the Pavlohrad District and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements for the preservation of the environment, in particular natural water bodies and soils.

Methods. An experimental-analytical method is used, which consists in the formation and analysis of global experience in water desalination at various degrees of salinity – from salty sea water, lightly salted to mine water.Also, the method of chemical water analysis and the content of various salts in it using evaporation is used in the work.

Findings. It has been determined that the cost of water desalination by reverse osmosis technology, in comparison with the thermal distillation method, decreases linearly with an increase in the productivity of plants and equipment and does not exceed $1 in terms of a capacity of more than 25 thousand tons/day.In addition, it has been revealed that with an increase in the component of dissolved substances in mine water, the cost of purifying the water itself also increases.Itincreases by an exponential dependence.This factor depends on the increase in substances such as magnesium, calcium and sodium.

Originality. The urgent problem of the economic feasibility of mine water desalination by the reverse osmosis method has been solved using the example of closure of the Western Donbass mines.This method provides drinking water for the population of mining towns and contributes to the improvement of the ecological situation in the region by reducing emissions of highly mineralized mine water into the rivers.

Practical implications. The results obtained and their analysis make possible to state that when closing coal mines that have a large water inflow and a low degree of mineralization, it is advisable to use the method of mine water desalination by reverse osmosis technology. This will improve the ecological situation in the Pavlohrad District. The results obtained can be implemented when designing the Western Donbass mine closure.

Keywords: mine closure, water desalination, salt, reverse osmosis, drinking water.


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