
The development of technology schemes of formation of external dump of different types of rock in landslide conditions

O. Shustov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:105-115


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Purpose. The scientific and practical purpose of the study is to develop and substantiate technological schemes for the formation of external dumps in conditions of impaired stability during the development of iron ore deposits.

Research methods. To solve the problem, the following research methods were used: geo-mechanical methods for studying changes in the stress-strain state, modeling of technological solutions by variants and graph-analytical method for calculating the stability of slopes for different variants for the development of work on the dump.

Findings. The use of the technique to determine the stability of the dump sides allowed to calculate the parameters and determine the prisms of possible landslide. The safety factors or different variants of work development are obtained, on the basis of which the most expedient way of restoration of dump works in conditions of the formed landslide is chosen. Technological schemes have been proposed and developed for the external dump No 2 of the Central Mining and Processing Plant, which allow to continue its operation in future.

Originality. When carrying out works in conditions of the formed landslide two variants of the further operation of a dump are modeled: a) with landslide removal without land allotment; b) without landslide removal with the formation of a supporting prism and with the land allocation. Geo-mechanical studies of changes in the stress-strain state in the area of landslide formation were carried out in order to forecast the risk of formation of new centers of geodynamic phenomena and develop measures to prevent them.

Practical implications. Based on the constructed sections of the dump and certain physical and mechanical properties, the safety factors were obtained for different variants for the development of works, which made enabled to determine the appropriate variant to eliminate the effects of the dump landslide. The developed technological schemes of development of works allow to operate safely an external dump No 2 of the PJSC Central Mining and Processing Plant.

Keywords: external dump, geo-mechanical researches, dump slope stability, landslide formation, physical and mechanical properties of rocks, technologies of resumption of work on a dump in the landslide conditions, technical and economic indicators.


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