
Stress state of belt in powerful conveyorwith breakages of cable groups

D. Kolosov1, O. Bilous2, H. Tantsura2, S. Onyshchenko1, O. Vorobiova1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:125-131


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Purpose. Development of an algorithm for determining a stress state of a conveyor belt with breakages of a group of cables.

Methodology. Construction, solution of a model of a stress-strain state of a conveyor belt with breakages of a group of cables using methods of mechanics of layered composite materials.

Results. Algorithm for calculating a stress-strain state of a conveyor belt of arbitrary structure with a group of broken cablesis developed. It is established that the breakage of cables in one cross-section leads to occurrence of maximum stresses in a belt. Such a breakage is the most dangerous for a case of breakages in the same cable, but in different cross-sections. The mutual displacement of cable cross-sections along the conveyor belt reduces the influence of violating the continuity of cables on its stress-strain state. The maximum tensile forces in cables and tangential stresses in the rubber occur in a cross-section of discontinuity of cables. The maximum forces occur in cables adjacent to the broken one. The maximum tangential stresses occur in the rubber layers adjacent to the broken cable.

Scientific novelty. A character of influence of location of unbroken cables between the broken ones on the maximum tensile forces in cables and tangent stresses in rubber layer between cables is established.

Practical significance. The determined stress-strain state of a rubber-cable rope with broken cables allows objective determination of a real loss of rope tractive ability and reasonable formulation of rope operating conditions, including rope repairs. The established operating conditions, including developed technical solutions regarding its repairs, allow providing the efficiency of rope operation during its life cycle according to modern requirements of CALS-technologies.

Keywords: stress-strain state, belt in powerful conveyor, cable groups breakages, calculation algorithm, arbitrary rope structure, tractive ability, operating conditions.


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