
On the use of Middle Dnipro region granites in the pre-industrial period

I. Nikitenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:165-176


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Purpose. To determine geological complexes of granites and granitoids of the Ukrainian Shield, which were mined on the territory of the Middle Dnipro region in antiquity, using the results of archaeological and petrographic studies. To establish the features of the use of the mineral resource base of granites and granitoids from the beginning of their exploitation to the current stage of mining development.

The methods are represented by the analysis of the results of petrographic studies of various stone artefacts made of granites and the correlation of the data obtained with information about the geology of the Ukrainian Shield and the presence of outcrops of these rocks available for extraction by ancient miners.

Findings. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the granites and granitoids, extracted in the Middle Dnipro region and used throughout history, belong to the rocks of the Fastivskyi, Dnipropetrovskyi, Surskyi, Mokromoskovskyi, Tokivskyi, Saksahanskyi and Inhuletskyi complexes. The rocks of the Demurynskyi and Tetiivskyi complexes of granites were probably also applied. The history of use of the granites and granitoid rocks of the Middle Dnipro region continues since the Upper Paleolithic. Granites served as a material for the manufacture of tools and as the main building stone in the zone of distribution of rocks of the Ukrainian Shield. Their specialized development with the use of mining techniques originated with the emergence of megalithic constructions and stone stelae, which were created in the Middle Dnipro region up to and including the Middle Ages. In the times of Kyiv Rus, granite became one of the main types of building stone, which was applied in stone architecture. It can be affirmed that the development of many deposits that are currently under exploitation or were exploited during the 20th century began about a thousand years ago.

The originality. For the first time, a holistic characteristic of the use of granites and granite-like rocks of the Middle Dnipro region, from the Paleolithic era to the beginning of their industrial development in modern times, is given. Based on the results of petrographic analyzes, a list of intrusive-magmatic and ultrametamorphic complexes of the Ukrainian Shield is presented, which served as a source of granites as raw materials in the studied region throughout history.

Practical implementation. The research results will be used in writing scientific and educational works on the history and archaeology of Ukraine and the Middle Dnipro region.

Keywords: granites, history of mining, archaeological petrography, Middle Dnipro region.


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