
Some explanations of the impact mechanism on rocks when drilling wells

A. Ihnatov1, O. Pashchenko1, Ye. Koroviaka1, Yu. Semekhin2,O. Logvinenko2, I. Askerov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2LLC "Budstroy Consult", Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:177-192


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Purpose. Development of theoretical foundations, constructive schemes and methods for calculating the regime and technological support of well construction processes in the conditions of using the modernized devices of the abrasive-mechanical shock method of destruction of the rock mass.

Research methodology. Theoretical and laboratory studies of the features of the functioning of devices of the abrasive-mechanical shock method of destruction of a rock mass, carried out using modern methods of analytical analysis and experimental research, in particular by using the general principles of mathematical and physical modeling, methods of processing research results in the EXCEL, MATHCAD, control and measuring instruments and materials. The flow of downhole drilling processes was simulated on the experimental wells of the training drilling area of the Dnipro University of Technology using the ZIF-650M drilling rig and the UKB-4P drilling rig, as well as the corresponding drilling and auxiliary tools.

Research results. A detailed analysis of specific works and research shows the prospects for the development of hydromechanical drilling methods that are effective both from the standpoint of fracture mechanics and the energy intensity of the process. The necessity of determining the physical essence of the phenomena occurring during the separation of a rock element from a massif under external pressure conditions has been established, which in turn will make it possible to determine the most rational parameters of rock destruction at the bottom of a well, that is, maximum productivity with minimum energy consumption. The fundamental principles of the mechanism of destruction of rocks by impacts of balls have been studied with the derivation of the most important analytical dependences characterizing the downhole processes of well formation.

Originality. The main criterion that determines the efficiency of destruction of rocks is indicated - the energy intensity of separating an element from the massif, which is an intrinsic characteristic of the material and reflects the energy consumption for separating a certain volume from the massif.

Practical implications. The mechanism of interaction of the main parts and assemblies of the developed drilling equipment is shown, which ensures the achievement of rational indicators of the process of well construction in the corresponding mining and geological conditions. The theoretical and practical foundations of the operation of the mechanical rock-cutting body of the devices being developed are formulated. The main parameters of the process of destruction of rocks in air and water environments have been clarified. The principles and methods of establishing the influence of hydrostatic pressure on the efficiency of destruction of rocks during abrasive-mechanical percussion drilling are highlighted.

Keywords: well drilling, hydromechanical drilling, flushing fluid, rock, ball, mechanical speed of the deepening, pneumatic mechanical tool, bottomhole, rock mass, wellbore.


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