
Study features of the hydrogeological wells construction in various conditions

A. Pavlychenko1, A. Ihnatov1, Ye. Koroviaka1, V. Rastsvietaiev1, N. Zatkhey2, О. Dmytruk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2International Exhibition Center LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:205-219


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Purpose. Development of an advanced technology for the construction of a water intake well with sandy reservoir rocks and improvement of the repair and restoration procedure, which are based on the methods of hydrodynamic impulse treatment of the filter zone of the well.

Research methodology. Analytical and laboratory studies of the features of the construction of wells of the hydrogeological category were carried out using modern methods of analytical analysis and experimental research, in particular by using the general principles of mathematical and physical modeling, methods for processing research results in the EXCEL, MATHCAD environment, instrumentation and materials. The flow of borehole drilling and hydrogeological processes was simulated at the experimental wells of the training drilling area of the Dnipro University of Technology using the UKB-4P drilling rig and the corresponding auxiliary tools and equipment.

Research results. By means of an in-depth analysis of geological and hydrogeological conditions, the main measures aimed at improving the quality and efficiency of the process of constructing hydrogeological wells for drinking and industrial water supply have been determined. The choice of technical and technological support and regime support of the process of construction and arrangement of water supply wells was made, as well as individual measures to prevent the occurrence of complications during drilling were considered, and a rational sequence for performing all the main and auxiliary operations of the drilling cycle was determined.

Originality. The creation of a reliable communication channel between the productive aquifer and the surface production unit is possible only if certain fully structured requirements are met. The latter relate to the technology of well construction, the opening of the productive horizon, the installation of water-lifting equipment and the implementation of special measures aimed at resuming and increasing the flow rate of this hydrogeological well.

Practical implications. An integrated technology for the construction of water intake wells has been developed, which maximally takes into account the geological and technical features of the projected site, and also an improved procedure for well work in water intakes, which are represented by loose aquiferous sediments, has been proposed; The proposed technology can also be implemented in other areas with the same geological and hydrogeological conditions.

Keywords: well construction, water well, productive horizon, filter, airlift, pump, rock, flushing, pressure, hydrodynamics, flow rate, pulsator.


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