
Experimental studies of the well flushing process in the pulsation mode

I. Chudyk1, I. Dudych1

1Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:220-232


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Objective is to study the influence of pulsating currents of the flushing fluid and technical and technological factors of the well flushing process on its effectualsearch using experimental studies.

Research methodology. Experimental studies of the well flushing process were performed using the general principles of mathematical and Physical Modeling. The results were processed in MATHCAD PRIME and EXCEL environments. Modeling of the well flushing process was performed on the developedexperimental unit.

Research results. The experimental setup for modeling the well flushing process is designed on the basis of the provisions of the theory of similarity and dimensions. The experiment plan is designed to study the influence of technological factors and the range of their changes on the efficiency of well flushing using the Taguchi method. The influence of the main parameters of the well flushing process was studied on the quality of rock removal: eccentric placement of the drill string; type of flushing fluid (rheological properties); size of the rock fraction; riripple frequency during fluid movement; rotation of the drill string; longitudinal movement of the drill string. Changing the range of these factors reduces the area of rock sedimentation on the lower wall of the directed wellbore, which in turn indicates a positive effect on the well flushing as a whole.

Originality. Dependences of the influence of the pulsating flow of the flushing fluid and other main parameters of the well flushing process are established on the quality of rock removal. It is proved that pulsating flushing improves the process of cleaning wells from sludge.

Practical implications. The results of the research allow us to conclude that it is advisable to use a pulsating flow of washing liquid to improve the removing rock from the wellbore. The data obtained are the basis for further research in the direction of improving the efficiency of well flushing.

Keywords: well, modeling, similarity criteria, sludge, pulsating flow, rotation, longitudinal vibrations, rheological properties.


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