
Creation of a model of a discrete system of automatic control of a group of heaters with electric heating

A. Bublikov1, O. Boyko1, Ye. Voskoboinyk1, D. Slavinsky1, V. Shevchenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:233-244


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The aim is to create a simulation model of a discrete system of automatic control of a group of heaters in electric heating of a building to improve the quality of automatic control of room temperature through the study of control algorithms for heaters by simulation methods.

Research methodology. The block diagram of a simulation model of a discrete system of automatic control of a group of heaters is created, that based on the analysis of the structure of the real temperature control system in the rooms of the house. Given the peculiarities of control tasks, the lower and upper levels of the simulation model of the control system are conditionally distinguished. At the lower level of the model, the relay law of temperature control is implemented, which is currently used in heaters. Herewith, the algorithm of forming of control signal on the heater includes the possibility of parametric identification of a discrete control object. At the upper level of the model, the task of allocation of electric power between the heaters is decided, to take into account the constraints, that depend on the procedures for identifying the dynamic characteristics of local heating zones.

Findings. The structural scheme of the complex simulation model of the discrete system of automatic control of a group of heaters with allocation of two levels of hierarchy is substantiated.The relationships between the elements of the model, both at the upper and lower levels, and between them, are determined, taking into account the control tasks. Parameters for each element of the model and connections between them are also defined.

Originality. An originality of the process of building a complex simulation model of a discrete system of automatic control of a group of heaters under the condition of electric heating of the house is the simultaneous use of methods of systems theory and theory of automatic control. The basic principles of systems theory are used in substantiating the elements of the model, and drawing boundaries between the elements themselves, as well as between them and the external environment. The basic principles of the theory of automatic control are used in creating connections between the elements of the model, as well as between the parameters of the elements.

Practical implications. The created complex model of discrete system of automatic control of group of heaters will allow to carry out research of processes of control of electric heating in rooms for various conditions taking into account limited energy resource for the purpose of search of optimum algorithm of control of heating according to the criteria of minimum specific energy consumption and the comfort of a person's stay in a room.

Keywords: temperature at the room, automatic control, simulation model


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