
The basic principles of organizing prospecting procedures for managing  the process of autogenous grinding of ores in drum mills

I. Novitskyi1, V. Sliesariev1, A. Maliienko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:245-253


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Goal. To formulate the basic requirements to construction of search procedures, proceeding from features of drum mills of self-grinding as objects of management.

The research methodology consists in the analysis of a certain range of intramill fillings, which intensify the fluctuations of the ore load, which is accompanied by increased grinding (abrasion) of the material, since the intensity of the fluctuations closely correlates with the productivity of the mills for the finished class of the output of ore fractions. Thus, the relevance of the presented studies consists in establishing the parameters for regulating the flow of the initial ore of the mill and maintaining such a level of filling the drum with ore φ ^ *, at which the intensity of fluctuations in the ore load A will be maximum. To solve this problem, an extreme regulation search system is used, the specificity of which will be determined by the features of the control object

Results of the research. It is established that one of the most effective is the identification algorithm based on a priori information about the structure of extreme dependence.

Scientific novelty. The basic principles of construction of search systems of control of loading of drum mills of self-grinding are formulated, providing the most intensive fluctuations of ore loading in a mill and increase in productivity of mills on a finished product.

Practical meaning. It is established that the search process should be given a step-by-step nature. The magnitude of the step on the optimization parameter and other variables of the search procedure should be selected from the condition of the minimum total error caused by the inertia of the object.

Keywords: ore crushing process, self - crushing mill, principles of construction of search control systems.


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