
Economic efficiency of application of geophysical methods in diagnosis of technical condition of regulatory pool

I. Chushkina1, N. Maksymova2, O. Orlinska1, D. Pikarenia2, H. Hapich1

1Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Metinvest Polytechnic Technical University LLC, Mariupol, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 66:267-281


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Goal. To substantiate the economic feasibility of widespread introduction into practice of using a complex of expensive geophysical methods for assessing the technical state of hydraulic structures of the class of responsibility (consequences) SS-1.

The research methodology. By analytical methods, the estimated cost (specific indicators) of diagnostics of the technical condition of hydraulic structures by various geophysical methods was determined.

Results of the research. The calculation of the economic efficiency of the application of a complex of geophysical methods of the natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth and vertical electrical sounding in comparison with the known recommended methods with the guidance to DBN V.2.4-33-2.3-03-2000 for the study of areal objects showed that the estimated cost of diagnosing the technical state according to the first of the above methods is less by 10.8% compared to the second complex. This cost difference is justified by a decrease in the number of observation points by the method of vertical electrical sounding, which are located in the zones of water loss for filtration, determined previously by the method of the natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth.

Scientific novelty. The optimal complex of geophysical methods is substantiated, which is less expensive for the operational diagnostics of hydraulic structures of the class of consequences (responsibility) SS-1.

Practical meaning. The introduction of less labor-intensive and expensive methods for diagnosing the technical condition of hydraulic structures will save money when investing in the development and modernization of amelioration infrastructure, and will also contribute to an increase in the efficiency of the use of amelioration systems. This is in line with the main goal of the draft law "On the development of land reclamation and irrigation."

Keywords: economic efficiency, complex of geophysical methods, hydraulic structures, natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth, vertical electrical sounding.


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