
Justification of the unloading scheme of trucks with through passage for the purpose of land saving in deep open-cast mines

A. Adamchuk1, O. Shustov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 67:7-14


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Purpose. Investigation of the impact of the introduction of the scheme of unloading dump trucks with through-passage in deep open-cast mines in terms of saving land from disturbance by opencast mining and dumps of overburden.

Method. The method of least squares was used to determine the dependences of the area of land preserved from disturbance by opencast mining and dumps of overburden rocks from the load capacity of dump trucks and the height of the open pit wall.

Results. It is established that the introduction of the scheme of combined intra-mine automobile-conveyor transport with through-dump trucks during unloading will allow: to reduce the cycle time of unloading dump trucks by 30-40 seconds, which will reduce diesel fuel consumption by dump trucks by 100-200 thousand l / year; reduce the width of the transshipment point by 50%, which will reduce the amount of mining capital works for the construction of the transshipment point up to 11 million m3; to save from disturbance of the earth with the area up to 25 hectares at demolition of a open pit wall and construction of an external dump of rocks of opening.

Scientific novelty. The dependence of the area of land preserved from disturbance by opencast mining and dumps of overburden on the load of dump trucks and the height of the open pit wall has been established. The classification of devices for through passage of dump trucks at their unloading is resulted.

Practical meaning. A new design of the transshipment point with through passage of dump trucks during unloading has been developed and its efficiency from the point of view of preservation of lands from disturbance by open mining and dumps of overburden has been substantiated. The advantages of the device of the author's design over similar devices are simplicity of a design, installation and operation, and also use of force of weight of freight in work of the device.

Keywords: combined automobile-conveyor transport, reloading intra-mine point, through passage of dump trucks during unloading, reloading device with swing bridges (unloading plates).


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