
Hydraulic separation in spiral classifiers. Part 2. Methodology for calculating technological indicators of a spiral classifier overflow

V. Kuvaiev1, I. Mladetskyi1, M. Kuvaiev2, O. Berezniak1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2FLIGHT CONTROL LLC, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 67:15-28


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Purpose. To test the mathematical model of the spiral classifier, which properlyreflects the physical phenomena occurring in it.This will make it possible to quickly identify the separating properties of the size classifier by numer-ically modeling the separation index in the overflow product. Identification can be carried out using the particle size distribution functions, which are determined by a one-parameter distribution law in view of the fact that rather small particles are concentrated in the overflow.

The methodology of research. Analytical calculation of all the necessary indicators of the technological process of classification to determine the indicative fineness in the overflow of the classifier based on the calculation methodology set forth in the first part of this article.

Findings. The illustration of the sequence of calculations is the result of studies to identify changes in the operation of the spiral classifier, which are estimated on the basis of partial derivatives of the mathematical model according to the regime parameters of classification.

Originality. It is proved that through the parameters observed during the operation of the spiral classifier, the indicative fineness can be calculated - theoretically maximum size of solid particles that can be found in the classifier overflow, which ensures an increase in the accuracy of identifying its separation mode.A significant influence of the water temperature in the classifier overflow on its current separation characteristic is shown.

Practical implication. The use of such a parameter as the indicative particle size in the classifier overflow to analyze its operation mode makes it possible to increase the accuracy of identifying its current separation characteristics by 8-12% compared to using such an indicator as the density of the classifier overflow.

Keywords: indicative separation size, classification, pulp, classifier overflow, magnetite content in ore,ore density, pulp density,particle size distribution.


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