
Development of technologies of hydraulic mechanization to extend the operation life of enrichment waste storage

O. Medvedіeva, B. Blyuss2, V. Medianyk3, L. Tatarko4

1Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of NASciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Prydniprovsky Scientific Center of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

3Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

4SHEI "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology", Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 67:29-39


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Purpose. Determination and justification of methods to extend the lifecycle of tailings to ensure the efficient operation of mining and processing plants.

Methodology. Theanalytical and numerous methods for determining the technological parameters and operating modes of the hydraulic transport of the tailing dumps to ensure the reliability of the enterprise operation by freeing up additional space in the storage are used in the work.

Results. The current state of the problem of the waste storage facility operations of the iron ore plants in Kryvbas is considered. On the basis of this, it was determined that the sustainable development of the Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin is impossible without the reliable and efficient functioning of mining and processing plants with an appropriate area of territories for storing processing waste. Almost all storage facilities are almost full up to 100%.

The extraction of man-made deposits formed during the storage of enrichment wastes in artificial storages, as a tool to ensure the reliability of the operation of the enterprise by freeing up additional space in the storage is considered. The parameters of technogenic deposits are the main factors in determining the modes of the processes of hydraulic transport and storage of products of processing mineral raw materials, which are carried out to extend the life of storage facilities and restore their accumulating capacity. The main idea of the modernization of hydraulic mechanization technologies is to justify the direction of re-processing of the concentrate, which ends up in the enrichment waste, and settles on the beach section near the caving dam, and the subsequent storage of new enrichment waste at this place.

Scientific novelty. On the basis of the established dependencies of the parameters of the processes occurring during the storage of enrichment wastes by a hydraulic method, technological solutions for the separate compilation of fractions of enrichment wastes are substantiated. Mathematical models of the processes occurring in artificial storages during their operation have been developed, on the basis of which promising methods for restoring the accumulating capacity due to the extraction of man-made placers and the subsequent storage of high-concentration pulp have been substantiated.

Practical significance. A promising algorithm for the use of enrichment waste storage facilities is proposed, which provides for the extraction of man-made deposits at most stages and considers the extraction of man-made deposits not only as a means of obtaining additional minerals, but also as a tool for ensuring the reliability of the enterprise by freeing up additional space in the storage.

Keywords: artificial storage facilities, accumulating capacity, man-made placers


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