
Elemental hydrogen content and forecast of hazardous properties of coal seams

Ye. Rudniev1, V. Galchenko1, Е. Filatieva1, М. Antoshchenko1

1Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 67:53-64


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Purpose. To establish the effect of mineral impurities and moisture on the accuracy of determining the hydrogen content, under conditions close to the conditions of mining, is to consider the possibility of using experimental data on the hydrogen content on a dry ashless mass to predict the hazardous properties of coal seams after recalculating the hydrogen content values corrected for the mineral content impurities and total (reservoir) moisture.

Methodology. The research methodology consists in the fact that the consumer qualities of solid fuel are determined on the basis of analytical samples brought to an air-dry state (analytical state). Results expressed at other fuel states are estimates. The recalculation is carried out on the basis of ash content, moisture content and mineral content.

Findings. The presence in reservoir samples of the natural content of mineral impurities and total moisture have a significant impact on the results of the conversion of the hydrogen content to the working condition of coal. A significant deviation of individual values from the averaging straight line does not allow using the averaged values of the hydrogen content listed for the working state of coal to determine the hazardous properties of a particular coal seam. Consideration of the relationship between the components after they have been brought into working condition of coal based on the actual formation ash content and total moisture content led to a redistribution of the influence of factors on the hydrogen content. The natural random presence of mineral impurities and different values of total moisture in reservoir samples eliminated the monopole metamorphic dependence of the hydrogen content in the dry organic ash-free mass on carbon.

Originality. For the first time, the opposite nature of the change in the content of hydrogen from carbon was established for individual aggregates of mines. When considering coal samples for a dry ash-free state, a decrease in hydrogen content is observed as metamorphic transformations intensify, and when analyzing reservoir samples, on the contrary, an increase in metamorphism causes a directly proportional increase in hydrogen content in three characteristic zones.

Practical implications. The research results are necessary to improve the regulatory framework for the safe mining of coal seams, since in its development indicators of the degree of metamorphism were used, referred to the dry ash-free state.

Keywords: coal seams, coal, grade, metamorphism, hydrogen, sample, condition, properties, divergence, mining, hazard, regulatory framework, improvement.


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