
Resistance criteria of a cutting tool for high-speed processing

Y. Shcherbyna1, V. Derbaba1, V. Kozechko1

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 67:77-95


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Purpose. Analyze and check for adequacy the known calculation formulas in determining the dependence of the period of stability of the cutting tool made of hard alloy with multi-element coatings in high-speed machining of workpieces. Carry out comparative calculations to simplify the methodology of complex tests of metal-cutting tools of different groups.

Methodology. The research is based on using the analytical methods for calculating the period of tool stability, cutting speed, feed rate, cutting depth, indicators of the degree of modes and the coefficient of technological efficiency under different cutting conditions.

Results. The formulas of technological efficiency coefficient research the period of stability of the tool and indicators of modes degree at drawing up of scientific methods and recommendations on carrying out of the cutting tool complex tests on CNC machine are received.

Scientific novelty. The research is carried out and the parametric relationship of the technological efficiency coefficient with the determination of the stability period of the cutting tool in high-speed machining of workpieces on CNC machine. The values and functional dependences of the cutting speed, feed rate, cutting depth and their indicators of the degree of wear of the cutting tool are obtained. It is established that the life of the cutting tool largely depends on special alloys and coatings on the blade surface, the length of the cutting path, the use of coolants, changes in geometric parameters of the blades and specialized engineering computer systems in preparing control programs for CNC machines.

Practical significance. The practical achievement of the obtained results is to confirm the adequacy of known calculation formulas in determining the mode indicators and their degree, coefficient of technological efficiency, the period of stability of the carbide cutting tool with multi-element coatings in high-speed workpieces.

Based on the received analytical and settlement data the simplified complex technique of testing of the metal-cutting tool at high-speed processing on CNC machine is made:

- testing of high-speed steel tools;

- testing of carbide tools;

- testing of hard alloy tools with multi-element coatings;

- testing of a tool made of hard alloy based on titanium nitride and silicon.

Keywords: metal-cutting tool, period of stability, wear, special coatings, metalworking machine, testing, software control (CNC).


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