
Rationalization of combination of individual production processes as a factor of reduction of duration of implementation of innovative building products

D. Laukhin2, Y. Zaiats1, L. Dadiverina1, O. Beketov1, I. Matsiuk 2 , A. Tverdohleb2,

1 State Higher Education Institution «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 67:104-111


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Purpose. Reducing the duration of construction projects, based on modeling the rational combination of technological processes that take into account the constraints imposed by innovative technologies and improving methods of planning and organization of construction production, which will reduce organizational errors.

The methods. The analysis of conditions of restriction on combination of technologically dependent works is executed. A mathematical model has been developed that reflects the set bilateral restrictions on the combination of technologically related works. A method has been developed that allows to determine the rational start and end of flow work on all grippers, taking into account the set bilateral restrictions on their combination with the continuity of critical work.

Findings. A model and method of linking the work of specialized construction flows have been developed, taking into account the bilateral constraint on the combination of processes, which provides for modern innovative construction projects, which reduces the duration of construction projects and eliminates errors in planning and organizing construction.

The originality. The expediency of taking into account the bilateral restriction on the combination of processes in the calculation of construction flows under the condition of continuous critical work is theoretically substantiated - done for the first time. The developed concept differs in that the restriction on the combination of technologically dependent works can be imposed simultaneously by combining technologically previous and subsequent works.

Practical implimintation. Reducing the duration of the stages of construction project cycles in Ukraine to the requirements of modern world standards through innovative planning of production processes taking into account the rational combination of construction flows both in time and space.

Key words: planning and organization of construction production, combination of works, additive technologies, 3D printing, construction duration, construction flows.


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Innovation and technology


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