
Specific features of monitoring and maintaining of technical conditions of mine degassing pipelines in terms of mining intensification

L. Shyrin1, S. Bartashevsky1, R. Yehorchenko1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 67:153-164


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Purpose is to improve methods to monitor and maintain technical state of mine degassing pipelines for expeditious dealing with formation of mechanical deposition within them, and improving the efficiency of methane-air transportation in the context of the complicated mining conditions.

Research methods. Operatingconditionsof a mine gas transmission system have been considered as well as operational control of its performance in addition to methodological support and monitoring of technical state of an object under actual mine conditions. Approaches to assess, control, and monitor technical state of such gas transmission systems have been determined depending upon influence of specific factors. Innovative engineering solutions have been developed to improve performance of a mine degassing system(MDS).

FindingsEvaluation of the current tendencies in the field of monitoring of reliability of highly loaded structures has made it possible to identify the innovative approach introduced globally to provide safe operation of pipelines helping define local metal losses; pitting corrosion; and the system suitability for its further use. Engineering solutions have been developed to improve MDS performance; namely, methods to determine depressurization areas of the system, and techniques to seal flange connections.

Originality. New approaches to monitoring and maintaining the technical condition of the mine degassing gas pipeline in difficult mining and geological conditions of development of gas-bearing coal seams are substantiated and innovative technical solutions for their modernization are proposed.

Practical implications. Programhas been developed to monitor and detect mine degassing pipelines using innovative engineering solutions for operative determination of depressurization areas of their connections, and capacity improvement in terms of the current operation.

Keywordsdegassing, underground vacuum gas line, methane-air mixture, monitoring, capacity, vacuum pumping station.


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