
Simulation model of device for automatic orientation optimization in solar battery space

A. Uzhelovsky1, V. Uzhelovsky1, V. Tkachov 1, G. Kravets2

1Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dnipro Technical School of Welding and Electronics named after E.O. Paton, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2021, 67:179-188


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Goal. Development of a simulation model of an automatic system for optimal regulation of the position of solar panels in space, which provides, at the expense of tracking the Sun, increasing the energy efficiency of the technological process of electricity production, taking into account disruptive effects and reducing the cost of electricity production with currently used alternative methods.

The research methodology.Neglecting the insignificant inertia of the transducer and the solar panel in this paper used the method of polynomial approximation of the second line that reflects the inverse parabola.

Results of the research. Due to the significant inertia of the objects of the technological process, which is tied to the regional conditions of the sun during the day and season, the simulation model adopted assumptions that generally do not pay off on the results of the study. In this regard, the efficiency of the simulation model of the system of optimal control of the position in the space of the solar battery, which includes an extreme control circuit and takes into account the disturbing effects, was developed and studied using the software and hardware capabilities of the Matlab-Simulink application software.

Scientific novelty. The article proposes to use the software and hardware capabilities of the Matlab-Simulink application software to create a simulation model of the optimal position control system in the solar cell space, which includes an extreme regulator and takes into account the disturbing environmental influences.

Practical significance. Developed in the Matlab - Simulink software package, the simulation model is adaptable and can be recommended for use (at the design stage) of pre-finding the controller parameters, setting up an extreme system controller, obtaining a predicted transition process and increasing solar power plant productivity. (SES). The proposed model can also be used in the educational process in the study and demonstration of similar technological processes.

Keywords: solar power plants, optimal control systems, solar tracker, actuator, simulation model, research


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