
Stages of creating an internal dump in a deep pit

О. Аnisimov1, K. Bardakov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:7-17


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Purpose. Filling with overburden rocks of the internal mined-out space of the pitand its individual sections is the main measure that contributes to the rational use of land around the pit in the development of deposits of significant size. There is a significant reduction in the cost of funds for the excavation, movement and storage of overburden rocks, as well as the extraction of minerals. Storage of overburden rocks in the mined-out area of deep pits reduces the distance of their transportation, saves significant land areas from disturbance by external dumps. It is known that the exploitation of a group of deposits or pit fields of significant size should be accompanied by the allocation of a pit of the first stage, mining it to the limiting contours and subsequent advancement of mining operations with the allocation of queues and storage of overburden rocks in the empty space.

The methods. The procedure and methods for moving overburden rocks from the face to internal dumps with their subsequent storage during the development of deep pits according to the proposed technological scheme are determined. The calculations were performed using modern GIS technologies using the K-mine software. To calculate the volume of overburden, which is placed in internal dumps, the method of vertical sections is applied.

Findings. When mining a deep pit, the reduction in the distances for transporting overburden rocks from the lower levels is achieved due to the correct placement of transport communications and the formation of internal dumps. The allocation of development queues at the deposit makes it possible to form a pit of the first stage with the subsequent advancement of the mining front and determine the volume of rocks to be placed in the internal dump.

The originality. The analysis was carried out and the sequence and methods for creating internal dumps were determined. The graphic dependences of the volumes of overburden rocks stored at each stage of the formation of dumps are established, without taking into account and taking into account the coefficient of loosening of the rocks.

Practical implimintation. Within the empty space area of the Poltava Mining pit, it is possible to place significant volumes of overburden rocks, which will positively affect both the environment and the economic performance of the enterprise.

Keywords: overburden rocks and their volumes, stages of internal dump formation, internal dumping, technology for creating an internal dump.


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