
Substantiation of efficiency of use of carbon-fiber reinforcedplastic fasteners for mining products in Western Donbass mines

V. Bondarenko1, I. Kovalevska1, H. Symanovych1, Ye. Tsivka1, I. Sheka1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:30-42


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Purpose. To analyze the possibility of using support made of composite materials and evaluate its prospects for mine workings in coal mines. Conduct a comparative analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of carbon fiber and metal support, as well as compare their features. Determine the possibility of using a new composite lining for mine workings in the conditions of mines in the Western Donbas.

Research methodology. An analysis of fastening materials was carried out and a general assessment was obtained, thanks to the physical and mechanical properties. An analysis of the stress-strain state of the possible use of an arched composite fastening of a circular cross section was carried out and the expediency of its use for a fastening system in difficult mining and geological conditions was determined.

Research results. A detailed comparative analysis of the stress-strain state of a layered mass after the passage of a mine working was carried out using a new material in the fastening system. As a result of the study, it was concluded that in order to solve the problem of uneven distribution of rock pressure around the working, it is better to use a new composite fastening. The advantages and disadvantages of the innovative lining for the mine workings of coal mines in the Western Donbas are assessed. A limiting factor has been identified that today has a negative impact on the widespread use of this material, namely the high cost of carbon fibers. It was concluded that when using a composite lining of a circular cross section, it is possible to achieve an increase in the rate of workings, a decrease in the labor intensity of work and an improvement in the working conditions of miners in difficult mining and geological conditions.

Scientific novelty. The regularities of the stress-strain state of a layered massif with an arched composite lining are determined in relation to the possible use of working support in zones of uneven distribution of rock pressure.

Practical value. According to the results of the study, it was found that when using an arched composite lining, it is possible to achieve an increase in productivity, ensure the reliability of support for the goaf and improve the working conditions of miners.

Keywords: stress-strain state, carbon fiber, composite support, physical and mechanical properties, mine workings.


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