
Methodological principles and recommendations for the development of innovative technologies when maintaining reusable mine workings in the western Donbas Mines

V. Snihur1

1MM“Heroiv Kosmosu”, PJSC“DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia”, Pavlohrad, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:67-80


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Purpose. Substantiate the methodological principles of resource-saving stability increase of repeatedly exploited mine workings in a weakly metamorphosed coal-bearing mass by optimizing the deformation-strength characteristics of fastening structures in accordance with the geomechanical conditions of their maintenance.

Methods. An integrated method is used, which includes the analysis of geomechanically processes, interaction modes of rock masses with fastening structures and methods for their optimization, experimental mining research, as well as substantiation of methodological approaches to experimental verification on the degree of conformity of the analytical development results.

Findings. A new methodological principle for performing mining research has been obtained with the identification of three main peculiarities and implementation during large-scale measurements. Using specific examples, with the help of analysis and on the basis of influencing factors, the possibility of achieving the deformation-strength characteristics of fastening structures at optimal values of load and displacement has been proved. Favorable medium-intensity conditions, complex mining-geological conditions and indicators characterizing them have been determined.

Originality. The schemes for optimizing the fastening system interaction with a rock mass have been substantiated and calculated, aimed at minimizing the intensity of rock pressure manifestations. Multifactorial computational experiments have been conducted to determine various areas of expedient application of specific fastening structures.

Practical implications. A comparative analysis of the reliability and results of analytical research has been performed on the basis of the combined results of mine surveying measurements in existing mine workings and on the basis of the technical documentation of mine surveying at already mined-out extraction sites. It is aimed to select rational parameters for fastening the repeatedly exploited mineworkings, depending on the mining-geological conditions for their maintenance.

Keywords: rockmass, fastening system, repeatedly exploited mine working, optimization principles, stress-strain state.


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