
Research in the vortex installation drying, grinding and removal of chlorine-containing impurities from iron oxide

I. Cheberiachko1, Ye. Kyrychenko1, Yu. Cheberiachko1, O.Trofymova1, O. Shustov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:95-102


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Purprose. Improving the quality of iron oxide by grinding it and removing chlorine-containing impurities. Development of the technological scheme for the decision of these questions with use of vortex devices and definition of optimum parameters of its work.

The methodology is to analyze the quality indicators obtained in the experimental setup which uses swirling flows to grind and heat the concentrate to 350-250 ° C with its exposure in the hopper 1.5-2.0 hours.

Findings. The experimental setup obtained the optimal parameters of its operation, which make it possible to determine the mechanism of moisture movement inside the concentrate particles and its evaporation and removal of harmful impurities from it into the environment.The results of a combination of the operations of grinding the solid phase and its drying in a vortex flow, followed by holding iron oxide in a bunker at steady temperatures, are presented. The results of the effect of heat treatment temperature in a vortex apparatus on the degree of removal of chlorine-containing substances from iron oxide are graphically presented. It has been proved that in the process of grinding in a vortex apparatus during dust collection in cyclones of the finished product and keeping it in bunkers at a constant temperature, it will be possible to preserve the characteristic thermodynamic state of iron oxide, in which contributes to the active release of impurities from it.The optimal temperatures and holding time of  iron oxide in the hoppers of the finished product are determined, which reduces the content of chlorine-containing impurities and improves its quality.

Theoriginality. The dependences of the degree of removal of chlorine-containing substances from iron oxide on the heat treatment temperature in the vortex apparatus are established.

Practical implications. The main operating parameters of drying are determined, with these parameters will be active removal of harmful impurities of iron oxide concentrate, which will improve its quality and increase the range of products.

Keywords: a vortex installation, iron oxide, drying, grinding, separation, enrichment, chlorine-containing substances, harmful impurities.


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