
Substantiating the parameters of deep surfacemine reloading works during operation of combined conveyor-railway transport

O. Shustov1, A. Adamchuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:103-114


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Purpose. Improvement of technological schemes of work of reloading points with substantiation of parameters of their work at working off of a deep zone of an iron ore open cast mine.

Method. To achieve this purpose, the following research methods were used: analytical, graphical and mathematical modeling, the method of logical engineering solutions, comparison of options and analogies. These methods were used to substantiate the parameters of the transshipment points when using the combined conveyor-railway transport, determining the number of dump trucks from their capacity to increase the production capacity of the iron ore open cast mine.

Results. Application of the developed device for reloading of rocks in railway transport, allows to reduce a transport and cargo platform by 25-30 m, thereby, to reduce volume of excavation of overburden to 250-280 thousand m3, to rationally use extraction-loading and transport equipment in one line with reduction of time of loading of dump trucks and formation of a stack.

Scientific novelty. For the first time the parameters of reloading points operation in the operation of combined conveyor-railway transport were substantiated and the number of dump trucks on the transport horizon was determined depending on their load capacity and production capacity of the iron ore quarry; with the productivity of the ore quarry 18 million tons / year, their number varies between 37-104 depending on the load capacity of the cars and taking into account the calendar plan of the mining enterprise. The dependence of the number of dump trucks on the horizon on their carrying capacity and productivity of the ore quarry has been established

Practical meaning. It was found that in the conditions of deep iron ore open cast mines it is most effective to use a combination of conveyor-railway transport with the construction of an installation for transshipment of rocks, which will reduce the cost of field development to 6.7-8.9 million USD.

Keywords: combined conveyor-railway transport, intra-mine transshipment point, deep iron ore open cast mine, transshipment device, dump truck.


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