
Determination the influence of haulage distance of raw materials on road dump trucks output

B. Sobko1, O. Lozhnikov1, O. Tregub1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:115-123


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Purpose. Establishment the dependence of dump trucks productivity on the haulage distance of building materials from quarries during the new roads construction.

Research methodology. The analytical method of researches was used in theoretical generalizations and formulation of research findings. The graphical method was used to visually compare the results of the study at the haulage building materials for the construction of roadbeds over different distances. Calculation-constructive and comparative methods made it possible to determine the influence of distance on the haulage of a given volume of building materials on the productivity and quantity of trucks.

The results. It has been established that the dependence of the dump trucks productivity on the distance of haulage is a power law at the haulage of building materials from quarries for the road bed construction. It has been established that the main difference between the proposed method for calculating the dump trucks productivity from the existing ones is the consideration the factor of change in the speed of the vehicle in different sections of the route from the quarry to the construction site. The established results will further allow to determine the effective distance of recyclable materials haulage from ore pits for road construction in comparison with the use of sand from quarries of non-metallic minerals.

Scientific novelty. The performance dependence of dump trucks during the construction of the new road bed with a certain volume of building sand transported from the quarry has been established. It was determined that with an increase in the transportation distance by 16 times from 10 to 160 km, the productivity of the Ford Trucks 4142D dump truck decreases by 8.7 times from 202.1 to 23.5 thousand tons / year, and Ford Trucks 3542D by 8.6 times from 250.2 to 29.1 thousand tons/year.

Practical value. The conducted researches allow to establish the required number of dump trucks for the construction of a road bed using accompany sand from the ore pits. The established parameters can be used in the development of a methodology for determining the economically viable distance for haulage recyclables from ore pits to improve the efficiency of resource-saving technologies at the roads construction.

Keywords: highway construction, dump truck, equipment output, haulage distance, building materials.


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