
Determining the motion resistance force to belt on load bearing structure of a tubular belt conveyor

R. Kiriia1, A. Smirnov1, L. Novikov1

1  Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:124-134


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The purpose of the work is to investigation of the influence of the main parameters of a tubular belt conveyor on the resistance of the belt movement on the idler of conveyor.

Research methods. To solve these problems, methods of thin elastic shell theory and loose material mechanics were use.

The results. The analysis of the design features of industrial conveyors shows that the resistance force to belt movement on tube conveyor idlers is greater than that of a belt conveyor with a trough belt, due to the influence of the resistance force component caused by the deformation of the cargo. The mathematical model of resistance to the movement of the belt on idlers tubular belt conveyor has been developing. The analytical dependence of the belt resistance forces on the idlers on the conveyor parameters, belt and cargo properties, as well as on the degree of belt filling with cargo was obtained. Results for the calculation of the resistance coefficient to belt movement as a function of the degree of filling at different belt tensions, roller radii and the coefficient of internal friction of the cargo are given. It found that with increasing degree of filling of tubular belt conveyor, belt tension and radius of rollers, coefficient of resistance to belt movement decreases, and with increasing coefficient of internal friction of bulk cargo and cylindrical stiffness of the belt, on the contrary, increases.

Scientific novelty. Based on the theory of thin elastic cylindrical shells and loose material mechanics, a mathematical model of the resistance to belt movement on the idlers of a tubular belt conveyor is develop for the first time. Analytical dependencies of resistance force to belt movement on tube conveyor idlers on main parameters of conveyor, belt and bulk cargo properties are established.

The practical significance. The results of the investigations make it possible, depending on the basic parameters of the conveyor, the properties of the belt and the bulk material to be transporting, to determine the resistance to belt movement on the idlers of a tubular belt conveyor. This reduces drive power by selecting the parameters of idlers and belt.

Keywords: tubular conveyer, belt, resistive force,idler, cargo.


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