
Analysis of types of geothermal systemsfor using heat resource of closed mines

D. Rudakov1, О. Inkin1, N. Dereviahina1

1 Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:145-156


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Purpose. Comprehensive analysis of operating geothermal systems of different types installed for heat resource utilization in closed mines with determining their advantages and disadvantages, as well as providing recommendations on priority locations and operating conditions of certain types of these systems in Donbas.

Methods. Geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical analysis of a possibility to use geothermal systems of different types under mining and geological conditions of closed mines in the Donetsk coal basin considering design features of the systems and the experience of their industrial and experimental applications in different countries.

Findings. It is established that geothermal non-backflow systems with discharge of thermally used water into surface watercourses can be recommended for mines with low total dissolved solids (TDS) in water and a drainage that provides hydrodynamic safety of adjacent areas. Discharge of water into settling ponds is reasonable in terms of energy balance only in the summer if these ponds are located near water withdrawal. Backflow systems are applicable if water discharge into watercourses is not permitted due to environmental constraints. Discharge ofthermally used water back into to the shaft from which it is withdrawn can be acceptable only in mines with low drainage rates, a powerful flood zone and high values of the geothermal gradient. Geothermal U-shaped and coaxial probes in closed mines can be installed in the upper part of the backfilled shaft with heat withdrawal from rocks and from mine water in flooded mine workings.

Originality. A comprehensive analysis of conditions and indicators of geothermal systems in different countries allowed developing recommendations on a possibility and expediency of their operation in closed mines of Donbas considering their natural and technogenic conditions.

Practical significance. Obtained recommendations on the efficiency of various geothermal systems in mining, geological, and geotechnical conditions in closed mines of Donbas will be used for identifying their priority locations.

Keywords: closed mines, geothermal systems, operation analysis, efficiency, priority, location.


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