
A justification of the experimental facility for research of the filter mesh cleaning up by the brush cleaner

D. Norenko1, V. Kuhar1

1 Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:166-173


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Purpose. Analyze possible designs of an experimental facility for measuring the movement resistance force of the brush along a filter mesh of an industrial filter. Identify and justify the advantages and disadvantages of the specified facility designs. Justify the optimal design of the experimental facility for the physical experiments, which will provide the possibility of studying the friction force of the brush on the filter mesh, the influence of the parameters of the grid and the brush on the friction force and provide the least impact on the studied parameters.

The methods. Analytical computations and computer modellings methods in SOLIDWORKS software were used to aim the goal. Objectives of the study on the experimental facility. A list of technical requirements for the experimental facility. Description of possible designs of experimental facilities, their advantages and disadvantages, justification of the efficient design of the experimental facility. Carrying out computer experiments in SOLIDWORKS software using the SOLIDWORKS Motion add-on to check and prove the assumed uneven errors, and not the expediency of the design of the experimental setup. Identification and justification of the rational design of the experimental facility.

Findings. The article contains results of analytical and computer studies that has the practical importance to identify an effective experimental facility for the studying the cleaning process of the filter mesh with the brush cleaner. Three variants of experimental facility are described, among which the optimal experimental installation is revealed and substantiated, which provides an opportunity to study the necessary forces and parameters. The justification results have the practical implementation.

Practical implementation. Described experimental facility designs allows to choose the most efficient design for research of the filter mesh cleaning up by the brush cleaner. The results of research can be used to conduct a physical experiment.

Keywords: experimental facility, the filter mesh cleaning up, wire brush cleaner.


  1. Tekhnologiya ochistki vody ot krupnykh mekhanicheskikh zagryazneniy (n.d.) Truba.ua.
  2. Norenko, D., & Kukhar, V. (2021). Eksperymentalne obgruntuvannia parametriv shchitkovoho ochyshchuvacha sitchastoho filtra tekhnichnoi vody. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats NHU, 64, 175–187.

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