
The influence of heavy metals upon the growth onWall barley (Hordeum murinum) and Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus)

S. Krasovskyi1, O. Kovrov1, I. Klimkina1, O. Wiche2, H. Heilmeier2

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 68:184-192


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Purpose. To determine the influence of heavy metals upon the growth on Wall barley (Hordeum murinum) and Japanese brome (Bromus japonicus) with the possibility of using the plants for phytoremediation of coal waste dumps.

Methodology. The research methodology consist to determine the effect of salts of heavy metals such as (Pb, As, Co, Cu, Mn and Zn) with different concentrations, on the growth rates of plants H.murinum and B.japonicus. The migration capacity of heavy metal salts in the substrate - filtrate - plant system was calculated. The accumulation of heavy metals in shoots and roots and translocation factor for the studied plants were observed. Element concentrations in substrate, leachate solutions and plant biomass were analyzed by ICP-MS.

Findings. It was found that H.murinum and B.japonicus were tolerant to heavy metals, both plants were able to accumulate heavy metals in roots and shoots, and accumulate these elements, which allows to consider these plants as "pioneer plants" with the subsequent possibility of phytoremediation of coal waste dumps.

Originality. The accumulative properties of H.murinum and B.japonicus for heavy metals, which are the main component of the waste dumps of coal mining in the Western Donbass, have been established. The migration ability of heavy metal salts in the system substrate - filtrate solution - plant is analyzed, which allows to create a model of migration of chemical elements of the coal heap under different abiotic and biotic environmental factors. Growth parameters and translocation factor H.murinum and B.japonicus were determined, the results of the study allow to use these plants in the future for the initial stage of biological reclamation of dumps.

Practical implications.  The results of the study allow to develop an effective method of the biological stage of reclamation of the dump, by phytoremediation, by creating vegetation cover by plants H.murinum and B.japonicus.

Keywords: coal dump, heavy metals, "pioneer plants", migration of heavy metals, phytoremediation, translocation factor, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).


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