
Determining the direction of the mining face direction during development of ravines pit surface

B. Sobko1, O. Lozhnikov1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:83-93


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Purpose. Establish an effective direction of the mining front direction in the beams locations at the development of a placer mineral deposit.

Research methodology. The analytical method of research was used at the development of a method for determining the time of mining a pit section with a crossed beam surface when applying schemes with longitudinal and transverse movement of the mining front. The graphical method was used to analyze the established dependences of the maximum allowable cutwidth into the rock mass on the length of the open pit when determining the effective scope of the scheme with the longitudinal direction of the mining front at the development of placer deposits.

The results. Schemes for mining a pit section with a cross-beam surface have been developed, providing for the longitudinal and transverse direction of the mining front, which make it possible to determine the main parameters of the mining system elements and establish the term of pit life. Efficient parameters have been established for the use of the transverse and longitudinal directions of mining faces movement when a pitsection with rugged terrain, which makes it possible to reduce the labor intensity of the process by 150–220 machine-shifts of an excavator at the pit field length of 300 to 900 m.

Scientific novelty. The influence of the open pit length on the maximum allowable cut width into the rock mass during the longitudinal movement of the mining front is determined. The results of the research allow to establish that with an increase in the open pit length from 300 to 900 m, the maximum allowable width of the cut into the rock mass during the longitudinal movement of the front increases from 140 to 740 m.

Practical value. A method for determining the time of mining a pit section with a crossed beam surface when using schemes with longitudinal and transverse movement of the mining front has been developed. The use of the proposed method makes it possible to determine the effective direction of mining front movement, depending on the parameters of the development system pit elements.

Keywords: open pit mining, mining front, mining system elements, beam mining, equipment productivity.


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