
Aspects for implementing the cumulative energy systems during underground coal gasification

V. Falshtynskyi1, P. Saik1, R. Dychkovskyi1, V. Lozynskyi1, M. Demydov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:94-104


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Purpose. An innovative approach formulation to the rational development of the potential of coal mines to expand the economic activity of mining enterprises based on the implementation of underground heat generators during coal gasification.

MethodsBased on the conducted analytical and laboratory research, to study the possibility of introducing underground heat generators and cogeneration systems during gasification of coal at the site of its occurrence. The basis for conducting analytical studies is the experience of implementing the specified modules and cogeneration plants. The basis for laboratory research is a laboratory setup that allows modeling the behavior of thermochemical and geomechanical processes in the resulting gas generator, depending on the mining-geological conditions of the coal seam occurrence, methods and ways of supplying injected blast mixtures to the fire face mirror.

Findings. Current issues of implementing the cumulative energy systemsbased on mining enterprises are highlighted. It has been determined that a possible basis for expanding the range of economic activity at a coal-mining enterprise is the implementation of underground gasification technology. The main products of the latter are producer gas, thermal energy and chemical raw materials. The parameters of changing the temperature field in the immediate bottom of the underground gas generator and the producer gas temperature at the outlet from the gas production borehole have been studied. On the basis of their changes, the technological schemes of the underground heat generator are proposed. This makes it possible to use technogenic thermal energy both in the process of coal gasification and at the stage of attenuation of an underground gas generator, as well as a scheme of a cogeneration system with heat accumulation from products of borehole underground coal gasification (BUCG).

Originality. An innovative approach has been developed to the rational technogenic thermal energy development during coal gasification at the site of its occurrence.

Practical implications. The implementation of cumulative energy systems based on underground heat generators during coal gasification at the site of its occurrence and the subsequent use of thermal technogenic environment allow creating compact energy modules that can satisfy the energy needs of a mining enterprise.

Keywordsmining enterprise, cumulative energy system, coal, underground gasification, heat generator, cogeneration system, technological scheme


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