
Study of sodium-group solution treatment of burning coal mining wastes for interaction with the environment

I. Chobotko1

1 Branch for Physics of Mining Processes Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by M.S. Poliakov the National Academy Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:112-119


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Purpose. To propose a new approach to the treatment of coal mine wastes with sodium-based suspensions, thereby preserving the ecology of coal mining regions.

Methodology. To solve these problems we applied methods of literature analysis, mathematical statistics, method of ecological assessment of alternative technological solutions for the use of suspensions for the treatment of coal mining wastes.

Findings. For the first time the use of sodium soda solution group: sodium carbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate and sodium hydroxide for treatment of waste mass is proposed. On the basis of the carried out researches interaction of the specified samples of the waste mass is revealed, taking into account influence of environment. Suggestions of soda solutions of sodium group treatment of waste mass, on the basis of which preservation of ecological stability of mining regions is achieved, are offered.

Originality. The analysis of efficiency indicators of technological solutions for treatment of waste coal tailings by inhibitors on the basis of suspensions allowed to develop recommendations for use of sodium group suspensions in the treatment of tailings at the initial stage of formation of waste coal, which will ensure the environmental stability of mining regions. As a result of the study, a new technique of waste rock treatment with solutions of sodium group, which levels the influence of the environment on the chemical processes in the interstitial space of the waste rock of coal-mining is proposed.

Practical implications. The suggested technique of treatment with suspensions on the basis of sodium group can be applied for the complex treatment of waste mass which will allow to prevent occurrence of ecological risks of pollution of mining regions, and also to predict the level of influence of environment on the waste mass treated with sodium solutions of factor of development of processes of self-ignition of coal-mining wastes.

Keywords: coal mine waste treatment, suspensions, sodium group, ecology, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide, slurry treatment.


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