
Petrographic and chemical-technological characteristics coal seamsof the lower carbon,formation C12 of the kalmiusblock

V. Savchuk1, V. Prykhodchenko1, Y. Dementieva1, D. Prykhodchenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:159-171


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Purpose. To establish the petrographic and chemical-technological features of the coal seams of formation C12 of the Kalmius block.

Method. General scientific and applied research methods were used to fulfill the tasks. With the help of petrographic methods, the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the composition of coal were studied in detail, and the degree of its recovery and metamorphism was determined. With the help of chemical and technological methods, a comprehensive description of the composition and quality of coal is provided. The use of modern methods of analysis and interpretation made it possible to provide a generalized characteristic of coal seams, to reveal the peculiarities of their composition and quality.

Findings. For the first time, regional ("provincial") features of the composition and quality of the coal formation C12 for Lower Donbass were revealed. Their typical petrographic composition was determined on the Kalmius block square. It was established that the coal of formation C12 differs from coal of formation C13 both in terms of gross petrographic composition and maceral composition. In addition, they are characterized by different degrees of recovery. It is proved that in the stratigraphic section, from the layers of the lower world to the layers of the upper world, the number of maceral groups of inertinite and liptinite increases, and the groups of vitrinite decrease. Lateral regularities of changes in the composition and quality of coal are determined. It was established that, compared to coal formation C13, higher values of sulfur content, heat of combustion, thickness of the plastic layer, and the Rog index are characteristic of coal formation C12. The elemental composition of the coal seams formation C12 is characterized by higher values of carbon and hydrogen content and significantly lower values of the amount of oxygen. Changes in the petrographic composition of Lower Carboniferous coal were revealed.

The originality. For the first time, changes in the typical petrographic composition of coal in the Lower Carboniferous stratigraphic section of Southern Donbas, which indicate different conditions of formation of peatlands, were established.

Practical implementation. The regional ("provincial") features of the region's coal have been clarified, lateral and stratigraphic changes in its composition and quality indicators have been determined, the grade composition of coal according to the new current standard in Ukraine has been established, and the technological value of formation C12 coal has been calculated.

Keywords: coal, petrographic composition, Lower Carboniferous, Southern Donbas, Kalmius block.


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