
Research of the regularities of the processes of formation of the surface layer in electric spark alloying

О. Bohdanov1, V. Kozechko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:172-178


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Purpose. Determination of rational parameters of the process of electrospark alloying of 40X steel parts with different types of electrodes. Measurement of the applied layer thickness using the Mora Primus 564 coordinate measuring machine at the customer's plant. To give recommendations on the use of electrospark alloying processing modes in the production process when restoring parts.

Research methods are based on effective methods of treatment of metal surfaces and technology of obtaining modified layers by electrospark treatment. Measurements were based on theoretical metrology in modeling instrumental errors of measuring instruments, theoretical principles of instrumentation and mechanical engineering technology. The Mora Primus 564 coordinate measuring machine was used during the measurements.

Research results. Electrospark alloying is one of the most common technologies for working with metal, which is characterized by high accuracy and productivity. In addition, high adhesion strength of the applied layer with the base material is provided, and the process itself is easy to perform technological operations and has low energy consumption. The analysis of the main factors influencing the quality of the surface layer during processing is carried out. The process of electrospark alloying of a 40X steel sample was investigated experimentally. During the experiments, modern control and measuring equipment and measurement methods were used.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, rational modes of electrospark alloying with vanadium, titanium and tungsten of 40X steel parts have been determined. The dependence of the thickness of the applied layer on the modes of treatment with different electrode material is established. Recommendations for alloying modes in the production process for 40X steel are given.

Practical meaning. The experimental researches on electrospark alloying of the 40X steel sample carried out in the production conditions allowed to reveal the basic regularities of the formation of the surface layer and to formulate recommendations for obtaining a coating of a certain thickness. This will restore the worn surface of the part or strengthen the new one.

Keywords: electrospark alloying, surface layer thickness, coordinate measuring machine, electrode material, alloying modes.


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