
Modified algorithm for automatic control of the mining harvester according to the load of the engine of the cutting drive

A. Bublikov1, V. Shevchenko1, V. Nadtochyy1, D. Yatsyuk1, N. Priadko2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:179-192


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Purpose. To increase the productivity of the cutter-loader by creating a modified algorithm for automatic control of its speed with correction of stable power of cutting drive motors based on the results of statistical analysis of power during operation of the cutter-loader.

Research methodology. As a research tool, a complex simulation model of the cutter-loader’scontrol system is used, which includes well-known mathematical models, describing the mining and geological properties of coal seams, as well as processes occurring in the structural elements of the cutter-loader. With the help of calculational experiments, the regularities of changes of statistical estimates of the power of the cutting drive engine for different mining and geological properties of the coal seam and the dynamics of the cutter-loader are established. The analysis of these regularities allowed to establish the dependence of the stable power of the cutting drive motor on the mining and geological parameters of the formation, and on their basis to propose a method of correction of the stable power during the working of the cutter-loader. A study of the effectiveness of the algorithm for automatic control of the speed of the cutter-loader using the proposed method in comparison with the existing algorithm.

Research results. It is established, that the steady power of the cutting drive motor, corrected taking into account the standard deviation of the high-frequency component of the cutting drive motor power on a short section of the array, has a clearly determined deterministic component, which is determined by the change of resistance of coal to cutting along the coal seam. Also, steady power has a random component with the weight 15%, which is associated with the unpredictable oscillating nature of the movement of the cutter-loader, and with the complex and random nature of the process of destruction of the coal seam by the executive body. It is determined, that the double value of the standard deviation of the high-frequency power component of the cutting drive motor, as a power reserve, provides the percentage of exceeding by instantaneous power of allowable value, which is as close as possible to its acceptable level without exceeding it.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, the dependence of the percentage of instantaneous power, exceeding its allowable value, on the coefficient of proportionality between the power margin and the standard deviation of the high-frequency power component under the condition of calculating the steady power of the cutting drive motor. This allowed us to determine the coefficient of proportionality, at which the percentage of cases of exceeding the instantaneous power of its permissible value is as close as possible to its acceptable level, but without exceeding it.

Practical meaning. The method of correcting the stable power of the cutting drive motor during the operation of the cutter-loader is proposed. At the same time, the parameters of the algorithm for calculating the stable power of the cutting drive motor based on statistical processing of the values of the instantaneous motor power are substantiated.

Keywords: cutter-loader, automatic control, cutting drive motor load.


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