
Overview of the state of electrical energy in Ukraine

Ya. Yaroshenko1, O. Bobrov1, D. Tsyplenkov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Rocket-and-Space Engineering College of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:193-205


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Purpose. The purpose of the work is to carry out an analytical review of the state of the electricity system of Ukraine and its structure by types of generation from the point of view of its balancing.

Research methodology. To establish the dependence of the Ukrainian energy market on constant loads and maneuverability, an empirical method of analyzing the indicators of the energy system was used.

The results. The analysis of the state of the electric power system of Ukraine, taking into account its changes during the military aggression, was carried out. The structure of the electric power sector of the economy by types of generation is shown, the disadvantages and advantages from the point of view of balancing the electric power system of Ukraine are revealed. According to the results, the need for additional maneuvering of the power system was revealed, which can also be performed due to the accumulation of electricity generated at non-traditional energy facilities.

Scientific novelty. Analysis of the state of Ukraine's electric power industry in modern conditions allows us to distinguish the main directions of research on increasing the maneuverability of the electric power system when renewable energy sources are connected to this system.

Practical value. The last 10 years have seen a large-scale increase in demand for the integration of information technologies into society. The development of industry, large-scale automation, cybernetic technologies and others make it possible to use a large number of technological gifts in general use - gadgets, computers, electric cars, industrial objects, etc. Which in turn are consumers of electricity. Electricity consumption increases every year by an average of 2-5%, and the outdated approach to taking the necessary measures to re-equip the power grid in Ukraine may lead to a collapse in the energy sector in the next 3-5 years. Also, the search for a solution to this problem led initially to the widespread use of renewable energy sources, such as solar power plants, and only later to the transformation of the energy sector, the introduction of decentralization, etc. In order to maintain the balancing of the energy system, along with the development of renewable energy, the task of developing accumulative systems, in particular hydro and pneumatic accumulative stations, which can play an important role in the permanent energy system of Ukraine as a type of fast-maneuvering power, arises.

Keywords: electric energy, renewable energy sources, power plant, power supply, alternative energy, profitability, maneuverability, coefficient.


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