
Study the possibilities of application impact pulses in construction of wells

A. Ihnatov1, І. Askerov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:206-217


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Purpose. Analysis of the theoretical foundations, design schemes and methods for calculating the technical and technological support of drilling cycle operations using dynamic shock impulses in order to intensify destructive processes at the bottom of a well under construction.

Research methodology. Laboratory studies of the features of the functioning of devices for generating shock pulses were carried out using modern methods of experimental research, methods for processing research results in the EXCEL, MATHCAD environment, instrumentation (pressure gauges, flow meters) and materials. The flow of well circulation and destructive technological actions was modeled on pilot wells of the training drilling site of the Dnipro University of Technology using a ZIF-650M drilling rig and a UKB-4P drilling rig, also the corresponding main drilling tool.

Research results. Theoretical and practical foundations of the process of operation of shock pulse generators - drilling hydraulic hammers are formulated. A detailed analysis of specific works and studies shows the prospects for the development of hydropercussion drilling methods that are effective both from the standpoint of fracture mechanics and the energy intensity of this process. This, in turn, will make it possible to determine the most rational parameters for the destruction of rock at the bottom of the well, that is, maximum productivity with minimal energy consumption. The basic principles of the mechanism of functioning of hydraulic impact devices are studied with the derivation of the most important analytical dependencies characterizing their workflow.

Originality. The high efficiency of the percussion-rotary drilling method lies in the significant value of the rate of application of the breaking load, which, when using hydraulic percussion machines, is subject to wide variation.

Practical implications. The theoretical foundations are considered and radically new design schemes for the implementation of devices for generating shock pulses (hydraulic hammers) are created, the use of which will ensure the constancy of the process of deepening the bottom hole with a high degree of productivity and efficiency, in addition, it is possible to organically use these devices in technological schemes for eliminating well complications.

Keywords: well construction, drilling, mud fluid, rock, hydraulic hammer, mechanical speed, bottom hole, duty cycle, pressure, design scheme.


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