
Development of methodological and constructive foundations for drilling wells using new types of bits

A. Ihnatov1,B. Ratov2,Ya. Tkachenko1, S. Shypunov1, S. Vetoshka1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Caspian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:218-230


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Purpose. Improving the technical and economic indicators and the degree of perfection of the process of constructive selection, justification and engineering calculation of effective schemes for the implementation of individual units of drill bits, ensuring the constancy of the process of deepening the bottom hole with high productivity and resource saving.

Research methodology. Applied computational and laboratory studies of the design features of the design choice of drilling bits of new designs were carried out using modern methods of analytical analysis and experimental research, in particular, by using the general principles of mathematical and physical modeling, methods for processing research results in the EXCEL, MATHCAD environment, control and measurement systems and materials. The flow of borehole processes was modeled on experimental wells of the training drilling site of the Dnipro University of Technology using the UKB-4P drilling rig and the corresponding auxiliary tools and equipment.

Research results. A critical review of research and development in the field of designing drill bits was carried out; special attention is paid to the schemes for the implementation and operation of weapons systems and analysis of the properties of materials used to manufacture individual parts of drill bit assemblies; highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of existing schemes for the execution of bits; factors of working capacity and durability of elements of bits are defined; the causes of bit wear are established and the provisions of the problem of improving the technique and technology for making drill bit assemblies are formulated.

Originality. A constructive approach to the drilling bit execution system using advanced technology and the creation of a workable destructive assembly of the specified tool for well construction can be based on the principle of chain execution of the destructive body.

Practical implications. Fundamentally new design schemes for the implementation of the working destructive unit of the drill bit have been created, the use of which will lead to a significant increase in the productivity of exploration and production work, a reduction in the time for auxiliary operations, and an overall increase in the efficiency and economy of the well construction process.

Keywords: drilling, well, chain bit, plain bearing, support unit, rock, working environment, structural materials.


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