
Monitoring and operational control of the gas hydrates formation in gas degassing pipelines

L. Shyrin1, R. Yehorchenko1, V. Taran1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 69:243-253


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PurposeCreation of operational determination methodology of mechanical and liquid deposit zones in deformed sections of mine degassing gas pipelines to prevent the process of hydrate formation and increase their throughput.

Research methodology. The peculiarities of monitoring the technical condition of mine degassing systems (MDS), as well as a methodical support for operational control of their formation zones in the mine environment real conditions, are considered. Approaches to assessment, control and forecasting methods of gas hydrate formation zones under the influence of mine environment specific factors were determined and innovative technical solutions were developed to increase the degassing system throughput.

FindingsBased on the results of modern trends assessment in the field of monitoring and forecasting gas hydrate formation zones, it was established that a fundamentally new approach to ensuring the accident-free operation of pipeline transport is being implemented in foreign practice.

Originality. Grounded innovative technical solutions for existing degassing systems modernization to increase the throughput capacity of mine pipelines and predict the formation zones of crystalline gas hydrates during transporting methane-air mixture from wells to vacuum pumping stations.

Practical implications. A program and methodology for monitoring and diagnosing mine degassing gas pipelines have been developed using innovative technical solutions to promptly determine the gas hydrate formation places and increase throughput during the current operation.

Keywords: degassing, underground vacuum gas pipeline, methane-air mixture, monitoring, gas hydrates, throughput.


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