
Dangerous properties of coal seams and accidents in the main coal-mining countries of the world

Ye. Rudniev1, М. Antoshchenko1, Е. Filatieva1, V. Popovych1

1 Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 70:36-45


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Purpose. Establish the relevance and necessity of improving the regulatory documents for the safe conduct of mining operations to predict the manifestation of hazardous properties of coal seams in terms of their formation during geological processes.

Methodology is based on the results of an analysis of the comparison of accidents in the mines of the main coal-producing countries of the world that have occurred over the past thirty years due to the hazardous properties of coal seams and other factors. The number of victims of the manifestation of hazardous properties is several, or even several dozen times higher than the number of victims in other accidents.

Findings. One of the main directions for reducing accidents is the reliability of the forecast for the manifestation of hazardous properties of coal seams. The results of the conducted studies revealed the predominant occurrence of accidents due to the manifestation of the hazardous properties of coal seams. Improvement of normative documents for the safe conduct of mining operations in terms of the formation of hazardous properties of coal seams during geological processes, their reliable forecast and the development of preventive measures are very relevant for all coal-mining countries of the world. Based on the results of the research, the existing problems of establishing a critical combination of the parameters of the influencing factors of the three blocks for the occurrence of an emergency are reflected.

Originality. The formation and manifestation of hazardous properties of coal seams according to the requirements of current regulatory documents are due only to the degree of metamorphic transformations of the organic (combustible) mass, and other stages of coal formation (sedimentation, peat and brown coal) are not taken into account. As a result, the content of mineral impurities and some fluids are not considered as factors influencing the manifestation of hazardous properties of coal seams.

Practical implications. Establishing the influence of previous stages of coal formation on the processes of the metamorphic stage will significantly improve the regulatory documents for the safe mining of coal and anthracite coal seams.

Keywords: coal formation, accidents, coal seams, metamorphism, hazardous properties, geological processes, safety, mining engineering, regulatory framework, improvement.


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