
Features of the construction of a collector network in difficult topographic conditions by microtunnel

N. Zuievska1, O. Vovk1, L. Shaidetska1, E. Shukurlu1

1 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 70:57-67


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The purpose of the article was to calculate the stress-strain state of the soil during the construction of a collector network using the microtunnel method in urban areas in the presence of shear zones.

The methods. The calculation is carried out using modeling and analysis of the results.

Findings. The values are respectively, using computer modeling in the Plaxis program, the values of maximum horizontal movements were obtained using two technologies for fastening wells: fastening with reinforced concrete tubings and the use of prime-cement columns for fastening the walls of the well using jet technology (Jet grouting). The values of the maximum horizontal movements are 22 mm and 10 mm, respectively.

The originality. The article presents the dependence of the shape of soil-cement columns made in soils characteristic of the territory of Ukraine, and indicates the range of soils in which Jet grouting technology is most effectively used. It was noted that in fine-grained soils, the outer surface of the jet injection column is clearly expressed and has the correct shape. In coarse-grained and heterogeneous soils, on the contrary, the surface is irregular in shape. The dependencies of the maximum horizontal movements are set.

Practical implementation. The calculated data were obtained, using which it is possible to optimize the technologies of fastening and the choice of technologies for the construction of wells during micro-tunneling depending on the topographic and engineering-geological conditions in landslide areas. The article considers the option when Jet grouting jet technology was used in landslide areas not only as a well fastening technology, but also as a slope stabilization technology.

Keywords: physical and mechanical properties, stability reserve coefficient, prime cement columns, jet technology (Jet grouting), collector networks, micro-tunnels.


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