
Analysis of the influence of the с8н coal seam thickness of Dniprovska mine on the content of germanium

V. Ishkov1,2, Ye. Kozii1, O. Chernobuk3

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Polіakovof National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

3 Georgian Manganese, Tbilisi, Georgia

3Джорджиан Манганез, Тбілісі, Грузія

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 70:76-90


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Purpose. The factual basis of the work was the results of 370 analyzes of germanium and other impurity elements (they are also called "small elements"), measurements of formation thickness, ash content and sulfur content of coal performed in the central certified laboratories of production geological exploration organizations of Ukraine from the material of formation samples obtained by production and research enterprises and organizations. To bring the samples to the same scale, the raw data were normalized.To investigate and analyze the influence of the thickness of the coal seam с8н of the Dniprovska mine on the content of germanium and to develop an objective (natural) typification of the areas of the coal seam of different thickness according to the concentrations of this element.

Methodology. To achieve the goal, the work uses laboratory and statistical methods of scientific research, taking into account and interpreting the obtained results in geological concepts.In the course of the research, the clustering of seam sections of different thickness according to Ge content was carried out using the weighted centroid median method, which was implemented in the most popular professional statistical software platforms "STATISTICA" and "SPSS", and the analysis of the clustering results was performed.

Findigs. The implementation of the approach outlined in the article makes it possible to propose a natural typification of areas based on the thickness of the coal seam according to the germanium content. The analysis of the obtained modeling results indicates the manifestation of the so-called "Zilbermints law" –an empirical regularity of the enrichment of some elements (primarily germanium) in the near-contact zones of coal seams. The thickness of such layers usually does not exceed 0.2-0.3 m.

Scientific novelty. It consists in establishing the numerical characteristics of the differential influence of the thickness of the coal seam с8н of the Dniprovska mine on the content of Ge and the development of a natural typification of areas with different thickness of the с8н seam of the Dniprovska mine according to the concentration of this element.

Practical significance. It consists in the fact that a methodical approach and an algorithm of actions are proposed for the division of coal seams into natural, close in Ge content and genetically related areas, which provides the possibility of the most effective planning of organizational and technological measures and the implementation of their most likely geological and economic assessment, which is aimed at extraction of Ge from coal.

Keywords: germanium, coal seam, regression analysis, cluster analysis, distribution histogram, normalized content.


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