
Introduction of a jet pumpdredger equipped with an innovative suction head

A. Bondarenko1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 70:107-117


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The purpose of the article is performing full-scale experimental studies of the JPD 300-120 ejector suction dredger equipped with an innovative soil suction head with a jet disintegrator system.

Methodology. Consists in preparing and conducting field experimental tests of floating production equipment as part of an ejector soil suction head with a jet disintegrator system, developed using the method of calculating the rational parameters of hydraulic disintegrators.

Results. The paper substantiates the parameters of the mining and hydrotransportation system, developed the design of the ejector suction head for the system of jet preparation and hydrotransportation of soils. The main elements of the water supply system of the ejector soil suction head with a jet disintegrator system have been selected. Field experimental studies were prepared and carried out in the conditions of the east-Bug-2 building sand deposit, which is located in the Voznesensk district of the Mykolaiv region. The experiment was carried out in two stages. The first one envisaged the use of a simplified jet disintegrator system for jet preparation of the underwater face, while the cavity of the jet disintegrator nozzle had a direct connection with the pressure cavity of the soil suction head. At the second stage, jet disintegration of the underwater face was carried out by nozzles, in which, by means of throttling, the pressure in front of the nozzle was reduced to the calculated values.

Scientific novelty. For the first time in crisis economic conditions, in order to confirm the reliability of previously obtained analytical dependencies to determine the rational parameters of hydraulic disintegrators and determine the operational characteristics of equipment, full-scale experimental studies of the JPD 300-120 suction dredger equipped with an innovative ejector soil suction head with a jet disintegrator system were carried out.

Practical significance. The use of a soil suction head with a jet disintegrator system as the main equipment of the JPD 300-120 dredger made it possible to effectively develop a gravel layer during the development of the East-Bug-2 building sand deposit. The industrial implementation of the JPD 300-120 suction dredger equipped by a soil suction head with a jet disintegrator system showed the practical feasibility, technological and economic efficiency of using ejector dredgers in the development of flooded and underwater sand and gravel deposits with a significant content of coarse gravel.Controlling the pressure in the pressure cavity of the soil suction head  made it possible to rationalize the process of soil disintegration and increased the concentration of the transported pulp by 77,8%.

Keywords: ejector shallow dredge, working body, hydraulic ripper, model experiment.


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