
Research and synthesis of the automatic water level control system of the mine water tank according to the criterion of minimizing the dispersion of fluctuations of power consumption

A. Bublikov1, M. Isakova1, V. Nadtochyi1, D. Zybalov1, Yu. Halchenko1, M. Khoroshailov1

1 Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 70:146-156


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The purpose. The purposeis to increase the efficiency of the process of automatic control of the water level in the mine reservoir due to the improvement of the automatic control algorithm. The main indicator of the quality of the system of automatic control of the water level in the mine reservoir is the minimization of the dispersion of fluctuations in the total power consumed by the pumps of the station.

Research methodology. The tasks are solvedusingthe method of computational experiments with the use ofspecialized computer programs for modeling the process of controlling pumps in the reservoir. To study the automatic control system, theoretical research methods were used, namely, analysis and synthesis of the system based on the modern theory of automatic control, as well as systemsanalysis. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the automatic control process was carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics.

Research results. A simulation model of the system of automatic control of the water level in the mine reservoir was created. The method of synthesis of the system of automatic control of the water level in the mine reservoir was developed based on the introduction of expert rules in order to ensure the dispersion of fluctuations of the total power of the pump motors, close to the minimum value, with a special algorithm for switching on and off the pumps. There were obtainedtheresults of the study of the effectiveness of the proposed expert algorithm for controlling pumps in the mine reservoir in comparison with the existing control algorithm.

Scientificnovelty. A new approach to the synthesis of the system of automatic control of pumps of the water discharge station is proposed:the entire range of changes in the water volume in the reservoir is conditionally divided into average, elevated, high, ultrahigh, reduced, low, and ultralow levels. The task is to keep the water level between high and low levels by ensuring as long as possible a constant combination of active pumps 0/1, 1/2 or 2/3, and the ranges between elevatedand high, as well as between reducedand low levels to move to another from the above-mentioned combinations according to the number of active pumps.

Thus, on a larger number of time intervals, the difference in the number of active pumps will not exceed one, which is a condition for reducing the dispersion of the total power consumed by the pumps.

Practical valueThe synthesis method is proposed forthe system of automatic control of the water level in the mine reservoir based on the introduction of expert rules, thanks to which the variance of fluctuations in the total power of the pump engines is minimized. Reducing the variance of the change in power over time increases the predictability of the amount of energy consumed for pumping water, and also reduces the amount of time when a significantly increased total power of the pump drives is observed. This makes it possible to reduce specific energy costs for water pumpingusing thedifferentiated approach when calculating the cost of electricity.

Keywords: synthesis of the automatic control system, mine reservoir, water level


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