
Research and synthesis of the automatic temperature control system of the heat mediumin the cooking boiler for the manufacture of fruit jam

A. Bublikov1, M. Isakova1, V. Nadtochyi1, D. Zybalov1, Yu. Halchenko1, M. Khoroshailov1

1 Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 70:157-170


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The purpose. The purposeis to improve the quality of the process of heating fruit jams in the boiler through the improvement of the algorithm of automatic control of the temperature of the heat mediumin the steam jacket. The main criteria for the quality of the system of automatic control of the temperature of the heat mediumare the time of rising and readjustment of the transition process at the output of the system.

Research methodology. When solving research tasks, the method of computational experiments using specialized computer programs for modeling transient processes in automatic control systems is taken as thebasis. The methods of the modern theory of automatic control were used in the calculation of the heat mediumtemperature regulator in thecookingboiler. At the same time, the requirements for the control process from the point of view of jam production technology, as well as the spedificsof the operation of the control object in real conditions are taken into account. Theoretical research methods (systemsanalysis and synthesis) were used to study the automatic control system. The research was conducted on the basis of computational experiments using analytical and computerized methods of synthesis of automatic control systems. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the automatic control process was carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics.

Research results. A simulation model of the system of automatic temperature control of the heat medium in the cooking boiler was created. A justified approach to the synthesis of an automatic control system, taking into account the requirements for the control process, as well as the features of the operation of the control object in real conditions, and based on it, the calculation of the temperature controller was carried out using various methods. The dependences of the control quality criteria on the controller parameters are obtained, on the basis of which the optimal settings of the controller are determined. The results of the study on the robustness of the automatic control system with the optimal setting of the temperature controller proved the effectiveness of the synthesized system under conditions of significant fluctuations in the parameters of the control object.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, it was established that the rise time of the transient process at the output of the system of automatic control of the heat medium temperature in the steam jacket of the boiler for the production of fruit jams with a PI controller and a dynamic corrector depends on the constant time of the reference dynamic model directly and nonlinearly. This dependence is close to parabolic.

It was also found for the first time that the dependence between the overregulation of the transient process at the output of the automatic control system with a PI controller and dynamic corrector and the time constant of the reference dynamic model has a parabolic character with the presence of a maximum extremum, but over the entire range of changes in the values of the time constant of the reference dynamic model, the overregulation does not exceed the maximum permissible value of2.5%.

Practical value. The method of synthesis of the system of automatic control of the temperature of the heat medium in the cooking boiler for the production of jam is proposed. At the same time, the parameters of the optimal control algorithm are substantiated according to the criterion of minimizing the time of changing the temperature regime without exceeding the permissible over-regulation of the transient process at the output of the automatic control system.

Keywords: synthesis of the automatic control system, heat medium temperature, cooking boiler for jam production.


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