
Recycling of multilayer polymer packaging doypack

O. Borysovska1, V. Bovsunovsky1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 70:171-181


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Purpose of work. The purpose of this work is to study the range of polymer multilayer composite packaging doypackin retail chainsand finding possible ways to solve the problem of its recycling.

MethodologyResearch on the range of polymer multilayer doypackpackaging in Dnipro retail chains was conducted by selecting 20 different groups of goods in the three largest retail chains in Dnipro – ATB, Silpo and Varus. The composition of the combined package was determined by studying the appropriate labelling.Investigations of the properties of the crushed polymer multilayer doypack packaging were carried out using a microscope.

Scientific novelty. It was found that the combined polymer packaging doypack, used in retail chains in Dnipro, mainly consists of combined polyethylene (55-60%), combined polypropylene (20%), combined paper (5%), combined polypropylene with aluminium and polyethylene terephthalate (1% in the Silpo chain), combined polyethylene with polyethylene terephthalate (1% in the ATB chain), as well as those types of packaging where there is no labelling or is marked “7 OTHER” (14-19%).After shredding the doypaсk packaging into fractions smaller than 200 microns, part of the aluminium layer remains connected to the plastic part, which complicates further processing.The optimal temperature for the processing of the investigated waste by the extrusion method depends on the type of waste composition and for the polyethylene or polyethylene + polypropylene variant is 190-230 ⁰С.

Conclusions. Recycling of polymer multilayer composite packaging is still a complex technological process, the success of which is influenced by many factors (incompatible polymers in different layers of the same film; adhesive additives that change the properties of polymers; non-plastic layers - aluminium and paper) and finally the composition of the package and its purity play a role in this.Because there is no system of collection and recycling of such packaging in our country, the bulk of plastic waste after use goes into the environment, and in particular – in aquatic ecosystems. There is a possibility that the polymer multilayer composite packaging doypackis a source of contamination of the aquatic environment with microplastics. The method of processing doypack polymer multilayer packaging, which includes shreddingand subsequent extrusion or thermoforming is proposed. The solution to the problem could be expanded producer responsibility, as it encourages producers to consider the environmental impact at the stage of production, thus reducing waste and increasing the degree of packaging recycling through mandatory disposal and collection of used goods. The implementation of such a strategy in Ukraine would force the producers of combined polymer packaging to reconsider the technical characteristics of their products and make it more suitable for recycling.

Keywords: waste, multi-layered combined doypackpackaging, recycling, environmental pollution, extended producer responsibility.


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