
Estimation of pollution zones from emissions of industrial enterprises

T. Rusakova1, О. Zolotko1, О. Dolzhenkova1, Y. Voitenko1

1Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 70:182-191


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Purpose. Calculation of the concentration fields of harmful impurities in the atmospheric air based on an analytical model, to create a program for conducting computational experiments and analyzing the pollution index of territories in the zone of influence of emissions from industrial enterprises.

The methodsFor modeling, a two-dimensional mass transfer equation is used, averaged over the transfer height, which describes the scattering of harmful impurities under the action of wind, atmospheric diffusion and dispersion. Methods for the analytical solution of second-order differential equations are applied. Additionally, the process of interaction of harmful impurities from three sources of pollution is taken into account.

Findings. On the basis of the analytical solution of the admixture mass transfer equation, a numerical calculation program was developed using the Python programming language, which made it possible to calculate the concentration fields of harmful impurities that enter the atmospheric air from three enterprises in Dnipro City: the Dnipro Metallurgical Plant, the Dnepropetrovsk Pipe Plant and the Dnipro Coke and Chemical Plant. An analysis was made of the corresponding streets of the city, which fall into the zone of influence of the emissions of the enterprises under consideration. It is established that the concentration of impurities does not exceed the maximum allowable value. The value of the air pollution index for streets affected by harmful impurities in accordance with the chosen wind direction was obtained. It is shown that the pollution index does not exceed 57%.

The originality. The analytical model for solving the two-dimensional equation of impurity transfer makes it possible to calculate the concentration level taking into account the mutual impact of emissions relative to a different number of pollution sources.

Practical implementationNecessary tools for the analysis of the main patterns of the processes under study in the operational forecasts of the spread of impurities in the environment.

Keywordsimpurity concentration, analytical solution, pollution index, atmospheric air, transfer equation.


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