
Establish of the optimum parameters of the Pinyazevytsky granite deposit mining system

B. Sobko1, V. Kriachek1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 71:17-28


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PurposeTo conduct an analysis of the mining and geological features of the occurrence, the current state of development and the establishment of optimum parameters of the Pinyazevytsky granite deposit mining system elements.

Methodology. Analytical, statistical, grapho-analytical, experimental research in the conditions of operating quarries, technical and economic analysis and forecasting were used during the research.

Findings. The conducted research made it possible to analyze the mining and geological features of the occurrence and the current state of  development, the analysis of the Pynyazevytskyi granite deposit mining system was carried out and their optimal parameters were substantiated.The average thickness of the mineral is 100.3 m. On the basis of the mining and geometric analysis of the quarry field, the average exploitation ratio of the overburden on the deposit was 0.07 m3/m3. Based on the calculations, the following parameters of the field development system elements are determined in the work: the minimum width of the working platform during the development of rock and dead-end dump truck turning is 27 m, and when the dump truck turns in a circle – 34 m; the width of the working area when working with rock and using the EKG-5A excavator is 51 m. The calculated maximum permissible height and slope angles of the ledges are: height of the ledge 15 m; the slope angle of the working ledge is 80°; the angle of stable slope is 75°. The width of the working area during the development of loose excavated rocks is calculated using the Volvo EC-240 excavator and is 39 m with ledges 5 m high.

Originality. Conducted an analysis of the current state and features of the Pynyazevitskyi granite deposit development, substantiating the optimum parameters of the mining system elements for the open-pit mining of industrial mineral deposits.

Practical value. The results of the research made it possible to establish the characteristic features of the mining enterprise, which significantly affect the mining of mineral deposit and the establishment of optimum parameters of the mining system elements for the mining of industrial raw materials for the production of aggregates.

Keywords: industrial minerals deposits, mining operations, quarry,  mining system parameters, mining and transport equipment.


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