
On the time of well transition to industrial production mode

Yu. Voitenko1, V. Vapnichna2, M. Krivtsov, О. Voitenko3

1Institute of Hydromechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

2National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine

3Ovcharenko Institute of Biocolloidall chemistry of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 71:42-52


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The purpose of the article wasanalysis of the reasons for the different velocity of transition of the "well-reservoir" system from one thermodynamic state to another based on experimental data on time and main energy parameters for the conditions of gas and oil and gas fields.

The methods. Experimental determination of the transition time of wells to industrial production mode; and analysis of experimental data.

Findings. The transition time of the "well-reservoir" system from one thermodynamic state to another is determined by the internal energy of the reservoir and depends on the energy of external influence and the determining parameters: reservoir pressure and temperature. For traditional reservoirs - collectors, including for reservoirs with low reservoir pressures, it is 104 - 107 s. For formations with high formation pressures, the forecast time for the transition of the well to the mode of industrial production or emergency release of formation fluid is 100 - 103 s.

Theoriginality. The work shows that in the case of low-energy impact, structural changes in rocks in reservoir conditions occur under sublimit slow loads at the level of approximately 40...70% of the limit value of the dynamic strength of the reservoir rock. It is experimentally shown that the transition of the "well-reservoir" system from one thermodynamic state to another flows for a time that depends on the internal energy of the reservoir and it decreases from t=104 – 107 s to t=100 – 103 and from ln t = 9.3...14.8 to  ln t = 0...6.9 in the case of an increase in the energy of external influence, or reservoir parameters - pressure and temperature.

Practicalimplementation. The transition time of the "well-reservoir" system from one thermodynamic state to another is determined by the internal energy of the reservoir and depends on the energy of external influence and the determining parameters: reservoir pressure and temperature, as well as the energy of elastic or elastoplastic deformation of the rock. The practical value is the ability to determine the type of oil and gas deposit based on this parameter and choose equipment.

Keywordsoil-reservoir,system "well-reservoir",internal energy of the reservoir,mountain pressure,the time of transition of the well to the industrial mode of production.


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