
Improvement of the current methodology for calculating the parameters of drilling and blasting on the explosive force

M. Kononenko1, O. Khomenko1, A. Kosenko2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Branch for Physics of Mining Processes of the M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 71:62-70


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PurposeImprovement of the current methodology for calculating the parameters of drilling and blasting (D&B) by determining the explosive force by the degree of realization of the detonation velocity for all types of industrial explosives (IE).

The methodology of research. To solve the problem, a systematic approach was used, including an analysis of the current industry methodology for calculating the parameters of D&B in underground ore mining using IE, improvement of the power-law dependence of the calculation of the line of least resistance (LLR) of charges by determining the coefficient of explosive force of the IE, taking into account the degree of implementation of the burning rate, as well as approbation of the improved technique in the conditions of the operating iron ore mine.

Findings. According to the methodology for determining the coefficient of explosive force of explosives (EX) according to the degree of implementation of the burning rate and according to the results of experimental studies of the change in the burning rate of the bulk emulsion explosive (EE) Ukrainit-PP-2, an improvement is proposed for the current industry methodology for calculating the parameters of D&B for the mines of the Kriviy Rig basin and the Private Joint Stock Society "Zaporozhye iron ore plant" (PJSS "ZIOP"). This made it possible, in the conditions of the experimental block of the mine "Yubileinaya" of the PJSS "Sukhaya Balka", using the bulk EE Ukrainit-PP-2, to increase the LLR and the distance between the borehole bottom up to 17%, and to obtain good results of ore reduction.

The originality. The well-known power-law dependence of the determination of the LLR of borehole for rock breaking has been improved through the refinement of the coefficient of explosive force of the IE, which takes into account the degree of realization of the burning rate EX.

Practical implications. The results of the research have improved the power-law dependence of the calculation of the LLR on the explosive force, taking into account the degree of implementation of the burning rate, the use of which will allow rationalizing the parameters of the D&B when breaking the ore mass using all types of IE.

Keywords: industrial explosive, emulsion explosive, drilling and blasting, explosive operability factor, line of least resistance.


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