
To the issue of underground gasification of low-thickness unconditioned coal reserves

P. Saik1, V. Lozynskyi1, D. Malachkevych1, O. Cherniaіeva1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 71:91-103


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Purpose. Formation of an innovative approach in the rational development of low-thickness unconditioned coal reserves with the establishment of their suitability for underground gasification technology and the study of mass and heat indicators of the gasification process on the example of the mine of PJSC "DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia" named after Heroiv Kosmosu.

Methods. The possibility of implementing the technology of in situ underground coal gasification was based on analytical studies. On the basis of the work developed by the professor of the Department of Mining Engineering and Education of "Dnipro University of Technology" Dychkovskyi R.O "Methods for assessing the suitability of reserves for underground coal gasification" established the general coefficient of the suitability of coal reserves for gasification located within the minefield named after Heroiv Kosmosu and are promising for future development. The output parameters of combustible and ballast generator gases, and the chemical and energy efficiency of the gasification process were studied using the "MTB SPGV" software, which passed industrial approval both during laboratory and field tests.

Findings. Current issues related to the application of a combination the technologies for the development of low-thickness non-conditional coal reserves, which allow significantly extend the life of the mining enterprise, are highlighted. In particular, after working out the productive areas of coal reserves, the orientation of production is aimed at the processing of reserves at the place of their occurrence by underground gasification technology. Criteria for the suitability of coal reserves were established, which allowed the establishment of the priority of coal seams gasification. Based on the change in the parameters of the fuel mixture, the output of combustible and ballast generator gases was investigated.

Originality. It was established that when air and oxygen-enriched blowing is supplied to the underground gas generator, the output volume of combustible generator gases remains the same, the difference lies in the concentration of these gases in the initial mixture. This is due to the high content of nitrogen during air blowing, which does not enter into a chemical reaction with coal, and at temperatures in the reaction channel below 900°C, the output of CO decreases by 25-46%.

Practical implications. The conditions of the mine named after Heroiv Kosmosu defined criteria for the suitability of coal for gasification. Two coal seams of the mine c12 and c7top are in conditions of sufficient suitability for underground coal gasification.

Keywords: underground coal gasification, eligibility criteria, coal seam, generator gas.


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